Use of Slates
Taking flooring to another level
Clay makes up the majority of slate, but under intense pressure, clay can change into mica. Although the amount of iron it contains greatly affects its colour, it is usually grey. Basins between plate boundaries are where slate typically forms. It is a natural product that can withstand almost anything Mother Nature can dish out, including fire, hail, acid rain, hurricane-force winds, insects, and so on. There are some slate rooftops still in use today! Walking on it is relaxing and soothing, and it is also non-slip. Slate is renowned for not absorbing much moisture. This also implies that it will be resistant to grease and oil stains with appropriate sealing.
Indian Slates are best supplied by Legend Stone in the entire globe. Slate is a naturally occurring material that is extracted from the earth and offers exceptional strength, durability, and ease of upkeep. You can anticipate many years of outdoor beauty because it endures well in any temperature and under all kinds of weather. Legend Stone is regarded as the top exporter of Indian slate and has experience completing significant landscaping projects.
Taking flooring to another level
Designed to make better